Figure 1. Function and organization of complex centromeres.
While cenDNA is not conserved at the sequence level, the presence of chromatin containing the centromere-specific histone CENP-A (Centromere Protein A; Figure 1) is nearly universal. CENP-A provides the structural cue for kinetochore assembly during cell division and, as such, is absolutely essential for viability. Even though CENP-A chromatin is faithfully maintained at the centromere through epigenetic inheritance, its de novo deposition at non-centromeric locations has been implicated in the formation of ENCs in mammals and neocentromeres in humans. Neocentromeres are associated with developmental defects and cancer. Thus, understanding how CENP-A is deposited at specific sites in the genome has far-reaching implications for evolution and human disease.
Figure 2. Centromere 3 organization. Top: mitotic chr3 from larval brain showing DNA FISH with OligoPaints for the cen3 island (Giglio). Inset, IF with the centromere marker CENP-C. Middle: diagram of cen3 contig showing Giglio with interspersed G2 REs and flanking satellites, the positions of uniquely mapping CENP-A ChIP-seq peaks and OligoPaints. Bottom: IF-FISH on extended chromatin fibers from larval brain showing the that CENP-A occupies primarily the island (1µm ≈10kb).
G2/Jockey-3 (G2) is the only RE shared amongst all centromeres and the most highly enriched repeat in CENP-A Chromatin Immunoprecipitations (ChIPs). Excitingly, G2 is highly enriched also at the centromeres of D. simulans, which harbors highly divergent centromeric satDNAs, suggesting a conserved role at the centromere. Identifying the functional significance of G2 and other REs in centromere identity is a major goal of our research program. Using a combination of genome editing, cell biological, and genomics approaches our lab is probing the role of the centromere islands, centromeric REs, and their transcription in centromere function, specification, and inheritance. We are also directly testing hypotheses to explain the conserved association between G2 and centromeres.
Figure 3. De novo centromere systems in flies. A Crosses for CENP-A deposition at lacO. B LacI/lacO schematic. C IF-FISH on larval brain mitotic chromosomes of progeny from A for pericentric lacO on Chr3. CENP-C (yellow) indicates active centromere; lacO (cyan); Dodeca satDNA (magenta). DAPI, gray. D IF-FISH on larval brain mitotic chromosomes in which CAL1 is overexpressed. Crosses are as in A, except that mothers do not contain a lacO array.
Is CENP-A chromatin sufficient for assembly and propagation of de novo centromeres in vivo?
If the epigenetic model of centromere identity is correct, CENP-A chromatin should specify centromere activity independently of whether it is assembled on cenDNA. However, the ability of centromeres specified by CENP-A alone to sustain centromere function long-term has not been tested in any multicellular organism. We devised the first in vivo system to investigate de novo centromere assembly and transmission through development in somatic cells (Palladino et al., Dev Cell, 2020). We generate de novo centromeres in two ways: 1) by targeting CENP-A chromatin to integrated lacO arrays at distinct genomic locations via LacI tethering of the CENP-A assembly factor CAL1, and 2) by inducing the formation of spontaneous de novo centromeres via CAL1 overexpression (Figure 3). Targeted de novo centromeres formed efficiently at six lacO positions representing diverse euchromatic and heterochromatic environments, indicating that chromatin is generally malleable to artificial conversion to a centromere. Spontaneous de novo centromeres formed at many different sites across the genome without any obvious sub-chromosomal preference. When we induced de novo centromeres early in embryogenesis to track their maintenance through development, we found that only those that caused less frequent chromosome breaks (i.e. pericentromeric) were efficiently maintained. Current projects in the lab are rigorously probing CENP-A sufficiency in vivo and investigating if spontaneous de novo CENP-A deposition occurs at preferential locations. |